
About Me

I'm starting this blog because my sis-in-law, Susan, believes in me.

My name is Cindy, and this is my journaling (well, in the beginning my talking and Susan's writing it down. LOL She has now taught me to forge ahead, type and post) about my journey towards healing after going through a divorce.

I like TinkerBell, good music, the beach, football, concerts, going on trips (anywhere! lol), mexican and italian food, (although my diet hasn't allowed much of that) comfortable clothes, and some serious bling, bling. ;)

Briefly here's my story...I was married to a pastor for 20 years before it ended in divorce, due to my ex-husband's affair(s). (a little over ten years ago) I was left with two children, one a teenager and the other old enough to understand something bad was happening. (Although they probably realized it long before then. Kids are smart.) I didn't think I would survive, but I have. I am blessed with a wonderful family who walked with me through it all. On July 18, 2009, I became a grandmother to a beautiful little granddaughter, Ray Ray! Until this past December 5, 2011, the last five years, I was in a relationship that I thought was stable, loving and was lead to believe marriage was upcoming. Imagine my surprise, when once again...things were not as they seemed or as I believed them to be. I walked out of that relationship and with God's direction and help, I am TRULY on 'My Journey' with God leading and more peace than ever before. I feel ready to pick up my blog now and share from the heart, like never before.  God has been good and I hope this blog/journal of my personal journey towards healing can help someone going through their own emotional devastation, relationship breakup or divorce.

That being said...this site is not to point fingers, criticize, or spread gossip. Trust me, that's the last thing you need when you're going through or have gone through a divorce. I don't want to add to the negativity.

It's meant to help someone else...through their rough spots.

Divorce is devastating. And it can be extremely lonely and isolating. So just in case you're alone on your journey, feeling as though there is no one who understands...I do. I'm here and I'll walk with you through your pain.

And whether you believe it or not right will survive.

I did, I am.....and so will you.